Quarantine Routines: An Educator’s Guide to Surviving a Quarantine.

You will have to quarantine. For many educators, during the 2020-21 school year, these are the words we have lost sleep over, worried about hearing, and struggled to plan for when it does happen. While we are preparing lessons for our students who are at home learning, supporting our colleague’s classes while they are at … Continue reading Quarantine Routines: An Educator’s Guide to Surviving a Quarantine.

Reprieve Not Retreat

How are you doing? No, really? Answer that question like you mean it, not like you are answering it for the person you just ran into at the grocery store. It is August 2020 and if you are an educator, a parent, a caregiver, a daycare provider, an essential work, a human…this is a challenging … Continue reading Reprieve Not Retreat

Grounding in Grace.

Do you even want me to ask? I will anyway: How are you? No really? Can I be honest…I am worried. I am seeing my feed, and those close to me really struggling. Trying to juggle it all, with so much unknown is a challenge in this season. And it is summer, a time usually … Continue reading Grounding in Grace.

Building Blocks of an Ideal Week in Unusual Circumstances. #PrincipalinBalance #BLBS

How are you today? Can I be honest? I am struggling. We are almost two weeks into this distance learning and the fatigue from going into this as a sprint instead of a marathon is causing me stress and distress. I am more tired, more anxious and certainly not as physically active as I was … Continue reading Building Blocks of an Ideal Week in Unusual Circumstances. #PrincipalinBalance #BLBS