20 ’17’ Ways to Create a Positive Classroom Environment-*hint it starts with the adults as learners*.

Last year over break I worked on the 20 ’16’ ways-this year I took a little turn on the post.  In order to really make a positive impact for students-it is key that we as the adults are coming from a place of positivity, mutual appreciation and respect for others as well. During the 2016-17 school year … Continue reading 20 ’17’ Ways to Create a Positive Classroom Environment-*hint it starts with the adults as learners*.

Play in the “New 1st Grade” #MNP3Principals

A recent article in the Star Tribune highlights the increasing demands on teachers, students and families during the first year of school.  Kindergarten is Becoming the New First Grade has been said many times during the past few years, however increased academic expectations  can be met with developmentally appropriate instructional strategies…play included.  The benefits of play … Continue reading Play in the “New 1st Grade” #MNP3Principals